From Chaos to Calm - Downsizing 101


Whether you are an empty nester looking to downsize into a smaller home or condo, a divorcee looking for an emotional (and physical) fresh start or just any one of us who is looking to embrace the life-changing magic of tidying up, here are some tips on how to de-clutter your space (and your mind!) and get yourself organized with a view to downsizing into a new space in the not-so-distant future.Whether this move is happening next week or next year, first things first:

1.  You need a plan

Before getting started, it is paramount that you have a plan in place, complete with timelines and deadlines.  Just like goal-setting, you will need to write it down, keep it someplace where you can see it, and keep checking those tasks off your list (it will give you a feeling of accomplishment, I promise).

2. Be prepared

Make a list of everything you are going to need to accomplish this momentous task and go out and get them.  The easiest way to get sent off course is to get into a rhythm and then find that you don't have the tools available to complete the task at hand.  Go get garbage bags, boxes, packing tape, sharpies, a label maker and storage containers of various shapes and sizes.  Then crank some music or put on your favourite podcast and get to work!

3.  Enlist help

We know that the thought of downsizing and de-cluttering can be completely overwhelming, but there are people out there who can help.  As realtors, we have a system to help downsizers tackle the clutter and get their house ready for sale, so if you are looking to sell, make sure you engage a realtor who is experienced with the process of downsizing.  There are also professional organizers who, for a fee, can walk you through this transition and, depending on the level of engagement, can even do it all for you.  Additionally, enlist your children and family members to help out, and in some (most) cases, come pick up their stuff!

4.  Eat the frog

You know that task that you absolutely positively DO NOT want to do?  Yeah, do that one first.  I know it sucks and I know you really really really don't want to clean out that storage closet under the stairs, the one that has been collecting all the discarded Christmas gifts and kids art projects for lord knows how many years, but just think how amazing and empowered you will feel when you do finally eat that frog!

5.  Go room by room

Don't multi-task, this process needs to be methodical, so attack each room individually; then close the door and move on.  Go through and pull every item out of every drawer and closet, clean off every surface and then move on to #6.

6.  Separate & Discard

Keep it, give it away or throw it out.  Separate everything into three piles, but be very discriminate, this is not a time for sentimentality.  If you haven't looked at it or used it for years, then it needs to be given away or thrown out.  We know it is difficult to part with items related to your children or family members who have passed away, but try to whittle it down to a much more manageable size.  Maybe take photos of your children's art projects and then keep only your favourite three pieces?  Try shifting your mindset by giving away clothes that belonged to a loved one to charity, they are not only freeing up space in your life but also getting a new one.  Have a yard sale and make a little bit of money while you're at it.  If there are items that you don't use, but are having trouble parting with because they are valuable, have them appraised and see if you can sell them. There are lots of goods options available nowadays and there is someone out there willing to buy everything!

7.  Organize


Do not put anything back that does not have a purpose or a place!  This is key.  Before you put anything back in a drawer or cupboard ask yourself whether it has a purpose and if so, make sure to make a place for it.  This is when storage containers come in very handy and there is so much variety nowadays, there are lots of options that are both practical and decorative.  Have some fun with it and be creative.

8.  Make a list of updates & repairs that need doing

As you are going through this process, make sure to make a list of any repairs or updates that are required prior to putting the house on the market.  Once the de-cluttering is done, it will then be easy to make the necessary repairs or hire contractors to do them.

9.  Don't forget the outdoor spaces!

Yup, you have to tackle the garage and garden shed as well.  Go through the same process with the outdoor spaces, getting rid of everything that no longer serves your purpose, particularly if you are moving into a condo, you can say good-bye to that lawnmower forever!

10.  Celebrate!

We know this process can be totally daunting, but we promise it is worth it.  At the end of it, you will feel lighter and more empowered, so once it is done, pour yourself a glass of wine and give yourself a big high-five!  We think you deserve a gift as well ;).