How To Slay Those 2019 Fitness Goals!


Roncesvalles Village, The Junction & Bloor West Village are replete with places to work out, spin, stretch & pound yourself into swimsuit-ready shape, but which is the best fit for you? Here is the lowdown on where you can get your sweat on in Toronto's west end…..

LA Fitness

You can often find me here Zumba’ing my way (hopefully!) to my fitness goals. This massive new addition to the LA Fitness chain is located at Keele, just north of Dundas, and has something for just about everyone. It’s not intimate, but has everything you would be looking for, long hours and it’s reasonably priced.


Orange Theory

Orange Theory is an international chain providing a one hour heart-rate-based interval training class with personal trainers overseeing the workout. The workout changes everyday and is supposed to create an afterburn for up to 36 hours.


Snap Fitness

Located in both Roncesvalles Village (on Roncesvalles, north of Fern) and The Junction (on Pacific, at Dundas), this bare bones gym is perfect for someone who doesn’t want the frills and wants to be able to go to the gym in the middle of the night if the motivation strikes them!


RPM Total Fitness

This specialized gym is located in The Junction and focuses mainly on spinning, gravity strength training and TRX suspension training.


System Fitness

This gym is located at the east end of Bloor West Village, just west of High Park. It provides a well-rounded gym experience and is conveniently located.


Bloor Street Fitness

Recognizable by the huge red boxing gloves outside their entrance on Dundas, just south of Bloor. This industrial-style gym has an emphasis on boxing and refers to itself as your ‘no-attitude’ neighbourhood gym.



This intimate, supportive, eco-friendly gym is located in Bloor West Village and provides a wide array of classes focusing on yoga, pilates, spinning, barre & TRX. No annual memberships are available, but you can purchase monthly passes which allow you to do 10, 20 or 40 classes per month. Services are dependent on which package you purchase.


For those looking to slow down, stretch and rejuvenate in a calmer environment, there are a number of great options for you as well. Namaste!

Can't find your favourite workout location on our list?  Drop us a line and we will be happy to add it.

Best of luck to everyone on reaching your 2019 fitness goals!