World Kindness Day

Make kindness the norm.

That’s the idea. And boy, in 2020, it’s something we could all use a bit more of.

Yes, today is Friday the 13th, but it’s also World Kindness Day. So let’s focus on that.

The idea behind World Kindness Day is to shift from random acts of kindness to intentional ones. It’s hard to do random acts of kindness when day to day we are all so wrapped up in our own lives. If we took it upon ourselves to intentionally do one small act of kindness each day, we could provide a bright spot in someone else’s day and our own.

Acts of Kindness don’t need to be grand gestures or cost any money. Keep it simple.

  • compliment a stanger

  • check in on a neighbour and offer to do an errand for them

  • call or text a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while  

  • tell  a co-worker or family member how much you appreciate them  

Studies have found that acts of kindness are linked to increased feelings of wellbeing and can promote changes in the brain linked to happiness.

This can be especially important for our growing children. Being kind to others and lending a helping hand is good for their self-esteem and gaining perspective on things around them. They just might need a nudge to rake the neighbours leaves or write grandma a letter but they’ll feel good afterwards.

Don’t forget to be kind to yourself. Take a few minutes today to do something you love.

  • call a friend that makes you laugh

  • turn off social media channels for a day, or even a week  

  • do something you enjoy, like listening to a favourite song or reading a book

  • get outside, spend some time in nature

Mark Kelly did a Ted Talk on how an act of kindness a day changed his life (and listening to his accent might be an act of kindness to myself! swoon)

Helping others through acts of kindness is also believed to be one of the ways that people create, maintain, and strengthen their social connections. And in 2020, we sure need more of that.